Magnetospheric effects in cosmic rays
during the unique magnetic storm in November 2003
Belov A., Baisultanova L., Eroshenko E.,
Yanke V. (IZMIRAN,
Mavromichalaki H. (
Pchelkin V. (PGI,
ray variations of magnetospheric origin during the severe magnetic storm on
of the Earth’s magnetic field during the magnetic storms can cause essential
changes of the charged particle trajectories in the magnetosphere, up to
allowed trajectories become forbidden, and conversely. It makes two main
consequences for ground level observations: 1) the effective cut off tresholds
are changing; 2) the effective asymptotic patrticle directions and, hence the reception
coefficients for different stations are also changing. Both these consequences
are important for solar cosmic rays (CR), whereas for galactic CR the first
effect is dominated. Magnetosphere effect associated with the cut off rigidity
changes may be sufficiently large to distort essentially cosmic ray variations
on the fixed station observed or even to change completely its behavior. As an
example, a magnetosphere effect during magnetic storm on
There are some reasons of a special interest to magnetosphere variations. In the first turn these effects are interesting on the physical point of view: creation, evolving and decay of the magnetosphere current systems, global interaction of cosmic radiation with the geomagnetic field. And, secondary, magnetosphere effects are important from methodological side since they hinder to study primary CR variations and should be excluded from the initial data. Large magnetosphere effects are usually observed simultaneously with the big modulation effects in cosmic rays since they both have the common reasons.
Cosmic ray variations caused
by the cut off rigidity changes during the big magnetic storm, have been
already studied in many papers [1-9]. Nevertheless, a set of important tasks
still exists in this area. Some of them are the following:
1) To study all
large (>100
) magnetic storms, to develop a
method of correction for geomagnetic effects, and to clear CR data of the world
wide neutron monitor network from magnetosphere variations. We expect finding a
quantitative relation between
and possible
for each station after study of sufficient
number of magnetic storms. These results can be used for magnetosphere effect
correction data from NMs if only as the first approach.
2) Checking of the current system models for different steps of the magnetic storm evolving. Incorporation directly cosmic ray data for this analysis is important to study the global effect of the current systems on the particle trajectories in such magnetic fields. Moreover, these studies are useful to be carried as for initial phase of magnetic storm associated with currents in the magnetopause, when cut off rigidity increases relatively to the quite level, so in the main phase, when cut off rigidity decreases significantly (Baisultanova et al., 1995).
this paper we intended to study in details magnetosphere effects on the example
of severe magnetic storm on
Events on the
Sun and in the interplanetary space in November 2003
Two active regions at the Sun were
the most effective on -index
fall down to -465 nT – it was lower only one time on 13-14 March 1989.
Data and Method.
Analysis was performed
with the hourly data from neutron monitors of the worldwide network. Data from
39 NMs have been used: 15 high latitudinal (
<1.2 GV),
22 – mid latitude and 2 sub equatorial (
>10 GV)
stations. Full listing of the used stations is presented in the
Acknowledgements. Operatively calculated Dst
indexes for November 2003 were taken from the WDC-C2 server: (
Analysis and calculations were based on the global survey method (Krymsky et al., 1966), which is conceptually a complicated version of the method of spherical analysis. In fact it combines three methods. Method of coupling coefficients allows the observed ground level CR variations to be connected with expected variations on the boundary of atmosphere. Method of trajectory calculations in the magnetosphere allows these variations to be connected with expected variations beyond of magnetosphere. And, on the final step, method of spherical analysis is used to select spherical harmonics important for a specific task and further analysis. Different versions of this method have been evolved and improved on different steps of data processing. We used as a basis the version of this method described in (Baisultanova et al., 1987; 1995). In the main equations the following notations have been used:
- a
spectrum of CR variations, where
is the amplitude of the zero harmonic of CR
- spectral index;
- three
components of the first harmonic of CR variation in decart coordinate
- are reception coefficients for each
component respectively;
- is coupling function for detector
, localized at the level
in the point with geomagnetic cut off rigidity
. Observed CR variations in common
can be written as following:
, (1)
where is magnetosphere variation,
mean isotropic and anisotropic CR variations
out of magnetosphere, and
is residual fluctuation which
describes possible apparatus variations and non adequate used model. In the
assumption data are free from meteorological effect and using only the first
spherical harmonic, the system of spectrographic equations can be written for
CR variations at
, (2)
The system is
solving by the least square method of minimization of sum of the squares of
residual variations relatively to the unknown parameters ,
and components
of vector of anisotropy. Two
approaches are possible for magnetosphere variations. In one case the model
from rigidity
is specified, for example, as it was
done in (Dvornikov et al., 1988):
. In this case the system is solved
for the set of parameters
, and
, and
. It is clearly, the assign of
latitudinal dependence
limits in advance the possibilities of this
method. Cut off rigidity variations caused by the magnetosphere current ring
during the main phase of magnetosphere storm have a minor longitudinal
dependence because of the ring symmetry. On the contrary, during the initial
phase of the magnetic storm they have a significant longitudinal dependence,
since current distribution on the daily side of magnetosphere differs
considerable from the night distribution.
To find latitudinal dependence of the cut off rigidity variations,
another approach, not based on the model of rigidity dependent, has been used. The sense of this
approach is that a system (2) has been solved without term of magnetosphere
variations; these variations were included into residual errors. In this case we can write:
, (3)
where - is a contribution at a sacrifice of
non adequate model (spectrum, harmonics of higher order),
- high frequency, statistical
- low frequency component (drift of
apparatus). We can neglect contribution from the last two terms applying
corresponding filters. If three last adds are negligible in compare with
magnetosphere variations, then,
, i. e. all residual error may be
attributed to magnetosphere effect. In this case we can write:
Under this
approach the cut off rigidity variation at each station are defined
independently of one another. To avoid the interplay between harmonics a
special care was taken under system (3) solving.
Results and discussion. It can be seen from the first view on the CR data from different
neutron monitors (Fig. 1) that Forbush decrease was moderate and with
sufficiently hard spectrum despite of extremely severe magnetic storm in this
period. Magnetosphere effect in CR was maximal on the low latitude stations,
but not on the mid latitude, as it is often observed. It was significant by the
amplitude, so, Forbush decrease on these stations was masked completely by the
magnetosphere effect, as it
is indicated in Fig. 1, where uncorrected and corrected for the magnetosphere
effect CR variations are presented for stations Athens and Potchefstroom and
are compared with the same variations on high latitude stations Apatity and
McMurdo. Cut off rigidity variations were calculated for each station for
different times during the storm by the method above mentioned. This result is
plotted in Fig. 2 for
-index is also presented. It is not
an approximation, but visual scale concurrence. One can see very high
correlation over the whole considered period. Despite of usually Jungfraujoch
station in 2 times is more sensitive to geomagnetic effects than Athens, in
this event Athens reveals geomagnetic effect in twice bigger. As it will be
shown below, such an effect is caused by the peculiarity of the storm on
can be easy estimated (as 0.1 GV for each
station). Within the region of large Dst index with Dst amplitude >50 nT
approximately linear dependence
on Dst is observed. For
, for Jungfraujoch it is 0.00178
. Since more accurate calculations
assume to be carried out after the complete data set collection, we did not
perform a detailed analysis, including the estimation of precise of obtained approximations. Note that the empiric dependence of Dst
index with Dst amplitude obtained for the
Latitudinal dependences of the cut off rigidity variations were found for each hour starting from the moment of shock arrival and up to final recovery of the magnetosphere. These results are presented in the Appendixes A4 and A5, and dependence for maximum evolving of the magnetic storm is plotted in Fig. 4.
Figure 4 shows a comparison between experimental and
calculated values of Rc changes for moment of the maximum effect at 19.30 UT.
Calculations were performed by the last “storm” model T01s of the magnitosphere
[12]. The method is described in [13]. The trajectories were calculated from
the main cone to the Stormer cone adding all allowed intervals (i.e. for the plane
spectrum of CR). The step of calculations was 0.002 GV. A duration of
trajectory calculations for quasi-trapped particles was chosen to reach
vicinity of the asymptotic value. The model was tested for the rather quite
period at
In [14] was examined the azimuthal
electric currents flowing in the magnetospheric. The currents were extracted
from the magnetic databases of Fairfield et al. [1994] as well as Tsyganenko et
al. [2003] statistically, the measurements being accumulated in spatial bins.
They have also analyzed several models of the magnetic field in the
magnetosphere [Tsyganenko et al., 2003; Alexeev et al., 2003; Maltsev and
Ostapenko, 2001]. The model currents are compared with those obtained from the
databases. Azimuthal currents in the magnetospheric layer -3 < zSM
< 3 RE obtained from observations. They extracted the currents
from the magnetic databases statistically, by accumulating the measurements in
spatial bins. Clear, that the maximum amplitude value of the Dst module
obtained from different models is 140 nT and calculations of for giant magnetic storms with Dst values of several hundreds nT by these
models would be not correct.
As it was mentioned, a specific
feature of this event is that maximal magnetosphere effects was recorded at low
latitude stations, instead of mid latitude as usual. In this case maximum in
latitudinal distribution of the cut off rigidity variations is shifted
significantly to the bugger rigidity, and is found approximately around 8-9 GV
(instead of usual 4-5 GV). It means that ring current which accordingly to the
simplest model (Treiman, 1953) is distributed by latitude proportionally to
cosines of this latitude and carries in western direction, is maximally closed
to Earth in this case and located at 3R from the Earth center. In the magnetic
storms when maximum in latitudinal distribution of the cut off rigidity
variations is nearly 4-5 GV, current system is placed at about 5 Earth radii.
The errors are given in this Fig.4 as those derived from
the system equation solving. In fact the errors may be apparently caused by
some other sources which are more difficult estimated. In particular, we don’t
know the exact coupling functions around the geomagnetic cut off rigidity for
each station. In Fig. 6 coupling functions for several stations used in our
calculations, are presented. Penumbra region, inclined incident particles as
well lead to the blur of coupling function nearly to
, hence some effective values
necessary to be used to account properly this blur. This is the biggest
uncertainty in our task. The observed dispersion of
in Fig. 4 seems to be related directly to this
uncertainty. Besides, in some times an additional error is possible because of
unaccounted 2-nd harmonic.Magnetosphere variation in CR is defined as the productive
, so the value of coupling function under cut off rigidity
causes a sensitivity
station to the magnetosphere effect. In Table A1 the values of
in usual case in units
are given for
different stations. One can see from this Table A1 that in usual case
Jungfraujoch station is about in twice
more sensitive to magnetosphere effect than Athens, whereas in the event
on 20 November 2003 Athens showed magnetosphere effect in two times bigger than
Jungfraujoch. This is related with particular latitudinal distribution of the
cut off rigidity variations in this event.
Main conclusions.
1) At the
beginning of extreme magnetic storm on
2) The ring
current system during magnetic storm on
3) The calculations of Rc changes performed for the last
"storm" model T01s of the magnetospheric magnetic field [12] shows a
good agreement between experimental and theoretical values for rigidities >
6 GV. Possibly, the model is not adequate for the greatest magnetospheric
disturbances, this causes a discrepancy for lower rigidities.
4) Further developing and extended variant of this work,
whether another events are analyzed, can be found on
This work n operating of the Russian CR stations is partly supported by Russion FFR Grants 02-02-16992, 03-07-90389 and 04-02-16763; for USA stations - NSF Grant ATM-0000315. The authors thank the collaborators from all CR stations which data were taken for analysis: Alma-Ata, Apatity, Barensburg, Calgary, Cape Shmidt, Climax, Erevan, Fort Smith, Haleakala, Hermanus, Inuvik, Irkutsk, Jungfraujoch, Kiel, Larc, Lomnicky Stit, McMurdo, Magadan, Moscow, Nain, Norilsk, Novosibirsk, Newark, Oulu, Potchefstrom, Peawanuck, Tixie Âay, Rome, Sanae, South Pole, Thule, Tsumeb, Yakutsk, ESOI, Mexico, Kergelen, Terra Adelia and Beijing, Tibet, Mawson, Kingston.
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Appendix A1
A6. Latitudinal dependence of cut off rigidity before, in
the maximum of the magnetic storm evolving and after storm at
Table 1. Listing of the most sensitive stations to the geomagnetic effects.
Lat |
Long |
Alti- tude,m |
H0, mb |
Rc, GV |
W(Rc), %/GV |
Jungfraujoch |
46.55 |
7.98 |
3550 |
643 |
4.48 |
10.62 |
Irkutsk3 |
52.28 |
104.02 |
3000 |
715 |
3.66 |
9.49 |
Climax |
39.37 |
-106.18 |
3400 |
685 |
3.03 |
9.36 |
Alma-B |
43.14 |
76.60 |
3340 |
675 |
6.69 |
9.10 |
Erevan3 |
40.50 |
44.17 |
3200 |
700 |
7.60 |
8.33 |
Irkutsk2 |
52.28 |
104.02 |
2000 |
800 |
3.66 |
8.29 |
40.50 |
44.17 |
2000 |
800 |
7.60 |
7.36 |
Potchefstrom |
-26.68 |
27.92 |
1351 |
869 |
7.30 |
6.82 |
19.33 |
-99.18 |
2274 |
794 |
9.53 |
6.59 |
33.30 |
35.78 |
2025 |
800 |
10.00 |
6.37 |
43.25 |
76.92 |
806 |
938 |
6.66 |
6.36 |
52.10 |
104.00 |
433 |
965 |
3.66 |
6.18 |
Tsumeb |
-19.20 |
17.60 |
1240 |
880 |
9.29 |
6.00 |
Hermanus |
-34.42 |
19.22 |
26 |
1013 |
4.90 |
5.89 |
Huancayo |
-12.03 |
75.33 |
3400 |
704 |
13.45 |
5.79 |
41.90 |
12.50 |
60 |
1009 |
6.32 |
5.75 |
Haleakala |
20.72 |
-156.27 |
3052 |
724 |
12.91 |
5.72 |
37.97 |
3.72 |
40 |
980 |
8.53 |
5.22 |
30.11 |
90.53 |
4300 |
606 |
14.10 |
40.04 |
116.19 |
48 |
1000 |
9.56 |